Paula Risch Head


Paula Risch Head



Oil on Canvas

16 x 20 inches

Signed Lower Right


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Paula Risch Head a native and current resident of Kentucky, has been painting for over twenty five years. After graduating Highlands High School in 1975, Risch pursued her interest in art leading her to travel in Europe. The experience of travel and the exposure to art led her to Northern Kentucky University where she would earn her BFA in painting. Her studies with Michael Skop and other professors provided her with the philosophical approach to her art. She continued her education with instruction from David Mueller. She owned and operated Risch Gallery in Fort Thomas from 1983-1998. After selling her business, she built her studio next to her home which is along the Ohio River. Her location is the source of most of her subject matter. Risch has participated in numerous juried and invitational shows in the tri-state region. She has received both judged and purchase awards. Her work is included in private and corporate collections as well as many homes both here and abroad.

Artist Statement

"The land and the river provide me with an ever present source of inspiration. It never ceases to amaze me at its constant beauty and the way it brings out my need to express the emotion I feel deep within me. The same river, the same tree line, and the same distant field are different every time I paint them."